Thursday 22 October 2015


Photo Manipulation

My starting image
After collecting a large amount of pictures from the internet in the previous lesson and creating a photo library I have started creating my Photoshop picture today. I started with a photo of Washington DC and throughout the lesson I edited the picture and added other pictures to give the overall image the look and feel that I wanted it to have at the end of its creation.

My end goal for this image that we were set to create was to create my idea of how hell would look if it was in Washington DC so I focused on giving the image a darker and more over the top feel so that people wouldn't get confused when they see the photo and they would understand that it was Hell in my image.

I started by removing the sky with the magic wand tool and then in place of the old sky adding a very dark red sky with a numerous amount of clouds in it so that when you were to look at it you got an idea that it wasn't calm and more hectic then it normally would look. Next I wanted to add a few comets but when I added them they didn't feel blurred enough so I added another comet over the top of the first one and blurred them together by using the blending options and blending the too together which gave the comet a nicer feel and blend then it previously had and it made it look more realistic with the sky instead of just looking as though it had been plopped into the picture and not a nice fit in the photo.

The birds were fairly easy to implement into my edit as they didn't require much editing, I did however change some of the features about the birds, first of all they had a blue outline as they were taken from a photo with a blue sky so I had to go around each bird individually and make it so there wasn't a stand out blue outline around each bird, before I did this however I cropped some birds out and only kept a certain number so they wouldn't look overly clustered and would look a bit more natural. After I had completed the editing of the birds and implemented them into my edit I had to choose where to place them and I chose to place them just flying in front of the building because it felt as though it fit in with the panic of the overall edit.

I added fire into my photo manipulation so that it would give the overall image of more of a hellish scene instead of being so plain and looking as though it was just the building with a red sky backdrop. so I started with just adding the fire but it didn't fit the image as well as I wanted it to so I had to change the brightness and contrast so that the fire didn't stick out like a sore thumb and look like it completely didn't belong in the photo, I also adjusted the levels so that it would darken the whole piece of fire and give it the same darkness as the rest of the photo and make it look as though it was on the grass in the first place and not just added in, this required the grass and fire to be at the same darkness which they weren't before I adjusted the levels of the fire. When I had completely changed the fire so it was at the right level and contrast I duplicated the fire and then copied my brightness and contrast as well as my levels so I knew that the fire would look right and be as dark as I needed it to be.

The car was added as more of a last second thing to make the scene look a bit more hectic and to give the viewer of the photo of feeling as though this place was very chaotic and not normal. To get the car that I wanted I had to put the car photo into Photoshop and edit out all of the background that was in the background of the car's original image and this wasn't very hard to do at all I just put the car image onto a new layer because without a new layer when I deleted the unwanted background of the car I would've been deleting other parts of my manipulated photo, So when it was on a new layer and fully edited so it didn't have any unwanted parts I implemented it into the manipulated photo and positioned it where I thought it fit the best.

I added a dark red gradient to my manipulated photo, I did this because before I had added the gradient the building was to white it felt as though it was glowing and it didn't fit in the photo at all as its supposed to be a dark and chaotic photo instead without the gradient it didn't look like that at all. So the gradient that I added was positioned to go up from the bottom and by that I mean start really dark at the bottom and progressively get lighter as it went up the grass and building eventually fading into the sky. Its like this so that the building and grass have an overall darker colouring to them and look more evil and chaotic to fit with the overall theme of the photo.
My finished photo manipulation.

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